World guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative
Manuel Montero-Odasso, Nathalie van der Velde, Finbarr C Martin, Mirko Petrovic, Maw Pin Tan, Jesper Ryg et al.
The “World Guidelines for Falls Prevention and Management for Older Adults: A Global Initiative” consist of a set of evidence- and expert consensus-based falls prevention and management recommendations applicable to older adults for use by healthcare and other professionals.
Exercise for preventing falls in older people living in the community: an abridged Cochrane systematic review.
Catherine Sherrington, Nicola J Fairhall, Geraldine K Wallbank, Anne Tiedemann, Zoe A Michaleff, Kristen Howard, Lindy Clemson, Sally Hopewell and Sarah E Lamb.
Cochrane Systematic Review – Intervention. 2019.
Evidence on physical activity and falls prevention for people aged 65+ year: systematic review to inform the WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour.
Catherine Sherrington, Nicolar Fairhall, Wing Kwok, Geraldine Wallbank, Anne Tiedemann, Zoe A Michaleff, Chistopher A C M Ng and Adrian Bauman.
Multifactorial and multiple component interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community.
Sally Hopewell, Olubusola Adedire, Bethan J Copsey, Graham J Boniface, Catherine Sherrington, Lindy Clemson, Jaqueline CT Close, Sarah E Lamb.
Cochrane Systematic Review – Intervention. 2019.
Interventions for preventing falls in older people in care facilities and hospitals.
Ian D Cameron, Suzanne M Dyer, Claire E Panagoda, Geoffrey R Murray, Keith D Hill, Robert G Cumming, Ngaire Kerse.
Cochrane Systematic Review – Intervention. 2018.
Interventions to reduce falls in hospitals: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Meg E Morris, Kate Webster, Cathy Jones, Anne-Marie Hill, Terry Haines, Steven McPhail, Debra Kiegaldie, Susan Slade, Dana Jazayeri, Hazel Heng, Ronald Shorr, Leeanne Carey, Anna Barker, Ian Cameron.
Recent Publications
Efficacy of the Otago-Exercise-Programme to reduce falls in community-dwelling adults aged 65-80 when delivered as group or individual training: Non-inferiority-clinical-trial
Albornos-Muñoz L, Blanco-Blanco J, Cidoncha-Moreno MÁ, Abad-Corpa E, Rivera-Álvarez A, LópezPisa RM, Caperos JM; Otago Project Working Group Consortium; Moreno-Casbas MT. BMC Nurs. 2024 Oct 1;23(1):705.
DOI: 10.1186/s12912-024-02310-3
Association between Dizziness and Future Falls and Fall-Related Injuries in Older Adults: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Li Y, Smith RM, Whitney SL, Seemungal BM and Ellmers TJ. Age and Ageing. 2024; 53 (9).
DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afae177