
The Education sub-committee of the Australia and New Zealand Falls Prevention Society (ANZFPS) was established with the primary purpose of enhancing education about falls prevention for members of the ANZFPS and relevant others.

The Education subcommittee aims to:
1) seek, review and promote educational resources and opportunities that relate to evidence-based fall prevention on the ANZFPS website;
2) enhance university and continuing professional education for medical, allied health, nursing, exercise science, health promotion, health and fitness industry students and professionals; and health policymakers; and
3) ensure dissemination of current best evidence in fall prevention.

Education Subcommittee Terms of Reference.

Fall Prevention Education Courses

Course NameOrganisationDetailsContact
Easy Moves for Active AgeingActive Ageing AustraliaOnline learning course designed to help effectively lead Easy Moves Classes
Falls Prevention eLearningActive Ageing AustraliaOnline learning course developed in collaboration with Arthritis SA and SA Health
Moving for LifeActive Ageing AustraliaOnline resource to learn exercises to improve balance, strength, flexibility and joint mobility. To be used as a supplement for the Moving Life Your Way book
BMJ Learning Module
Clinical Pointers: fall assessment and prevention
BMJ LearningOne hour learning module designed for medical practitioners, practice nurses and other health professionals working with older people. Access is free in NSW.
BMJ Learning Module
Hospital presentations: falls
BMJ Learning30 minute interactive case based module designed for medical trainees, hospital doctors and nurses
Exercise is Medicine: Enhancing Patient Outcomes through Lifestyle InterventionsExercise is Medicine AustraliaEIM offers this education in two formats, online or face-to-face. This course is designed to highlight the importance of exercise for overall health and introduces subsequent behaviour-change strategies specific to the adoption of exercise as a regular part of patients lifestyle. It also highlights the role of multidisciplinary care and Accredited Exercise Physiologists in assisting patients to establish an exercise program best suited to their needs. This course takes approximately 2 hours to complete and is also eligible for CPD Points with RACGP, APNA, ACRRM.Rhiannon Bennett, EIM Project Officer
(07) 3171 9669
Tai Chi for Health and Falls PreventionExercise Medicine Australia2-day workshop (nationally)
Home and Community Safety courseFalls Prevention Online WorkshopsAn online workshop for OTs and allied health professionals developed by Lindy Clemson
GP Active Learning ModuleFalls Prevention Online WorkshopsAn online workshop for general practitioners and practice nurses developed by Lindy Clemson.
Option for self-reporting to receive 40 category 1 RACGP QI & CPD points" rel="noopener" target="_blank">
Various workshopsInjury Control Council of Western Australia (ICCWA)ICCWA events including Tai Chi classes for arthritis, Otago and LiFE training.
Exercise Prescription for Falls Prevention - 2020Monash University and Monash Healthe-learning course
Optimising exercise programs for older people to improve balance and prevent fallsMonash University2-4 CECs through Fitness Australia & PAAustralia, 1-day workshop
Movement MattersMovement MattersAccredited training programs are available online and face-to-face. Sally Castell
(02) 9816 3199
Various TopicsNational Ageing Research InstituteRegular workshopsEducation Coordinator (03) 8387 2305
Exercise to Prevent Falls in Older AdultsNeuroscience Research Australia1-day Fitness Leaders 6 CECDaina Sturnieks
Fall Prevention Education and TrainingSouth Australia Healthe-learning for SA Health staff
Stepping OnStepping OnTraining and Train the Trainer courses are available for the Stepping On community-based falls prevention programMegan Swann
Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention CourseTai Chi for Health Insitute1 & 2-day workshopsPaul Lam
The Canadian Falls Prevention CurriculumUniversity of Victoria, CanadaThe Canadian Falls Prevention Curriculum (CFPC) is a facilitated, online course offered through the University of Victoria Continuing Studies Department. The course is an evidence-based, award-winning and evaluated curriculum providing those working with older adults the knowledge and skills needed to apply a public health approach to the prevention of falls and fall-related injuries among older adults.
E-Ageing Falls moduleWestern Australian Centre for Health AgeingAn interactive case study where you will consider care for a person who has fallen

To apply to have your course listed, please contact Jasmine Menant:

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