ANZFPS will be holding some face-to-face workshops on Monday 29 November 2021 at the University of Auckland prior to the virtual conference. All workshops are three hours of teaching plus a break for morning or afternoon tea.
Category Archives: News & Media
Advance Technology For Gait & Balance Research Workshop
CRE – Prevention of Falls Injuries
The NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence – Prevention of Falls Injuries is holding a special online event to launch the CRE.
Join the CRE for multidisciplinary evidence-based perspectives on what more needs to be done to prevent falls. Speakers include Prof Stephen Lord (Chair), Hon Pru Goward, Prof Cathie Sherrington, Prof Jacqui CLose, Prof Vasi Naganathan, Prof Maria Crotty, Prof Julie Byles and Mr Matt Jennings.
ANZFPS 9th Biennial Conference moves online
The ANZFPS is pleased to announce that the 9th Biennial Australia and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference is going online!
Our new conference dates are 1 – 3 December 2021 (NZDT).
We have engaged a state-of-the-art virtual conferencing platform that will bring everything you’ve come to expect from ANZFPS conferences. You’ll be able to network with fellow delegates, participate in discussion groups, live Q&As and more.
Our theme remains ‘Live Stronger For Longer’; a call to action to stay healthy and active in later life.
For those that love to gather, face to face pre-conference workshops will be held on 29th November in Auckland and in other locations in Australia with dates and locations to be confirmed.
As planning continues, we will communicate all updates via our conference website and you can sign up to receive email updates here.
ANZFPS 9th Biennial Conference 2020 has been postponed to 1-3 December 2021
With the ever-evolving Covid-19 situation, ANZFPS made the difficult decision to postpone our 2020 conference.
We are pleased to announce that we will continue to host the conference in Auckland in the same venue – the University of Auckland’s Owen G Glenn building.
Save the date for:
1-3 December 2021
We will be keeping the submission portal open and any abstract that has already been submitted will be considered for the 2021 conference.
If you would like to withdraw your submission, please email
We hope you’ll be able to join us in December!
The Research Power Hour: Professor Sallie Lamb
The Research Power Hour:
Professor Sallie Lamb
When: Thursday 17th December 2020
Time: 0800 – 0900 AEDT
Where: Zoom webinar
To register your attendance please click here.
The webinar link will be emailed to registered attendees on Monday 14th December 2020. Please note that you can register even if unable to attend on the day to receive a link to the recording of the webinar.
The Prevention of Fall Injury Trial was a large (n=9803) UK study that sought to prevent fractures in older adults with falls risk screening and multifactorial and exercise interventions. The study was recently published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.
The Institute for Musculoskeletal Health and the ANZ Falls Prevention Society jointly invite you to join trial author Professor Sallie Lamb, and an expert panel to discuss the results and finer details of this impressive trial and take questions from the audience. Our expert panel will include Professor Cathie Sherrington, Professor Vasikaran Naganathan and Professor Stephen Lord.
Professor Lamb is the Mireille Gillings Professor for Health Innovation at the University of Exeter. She is also an Honorary Departmental Professor at the Nuffield Department of Medicine at the University of Oxford. She has a background as a physiotherapist.
A link to the study abstract is provided here.
Pain, Balance and Falls in Older Adults Webinar
Webinar – Pain, Balance and Falls In Older Adults
Presented by the ANZFPS Education Sub-Committee
Our presenters have provided some responses for questions that they were unable to be answered during our Q&A Session – you can view them here: Pain Webinar – Additional Q&A responses
Pain as a risk factor for falls – An overview of the literature
Dr Daina Sturnieks, Neuroscience Research Australia
Community-dwelling older adults with pain are more likely to have fallen in the past 12 months and to fall again in the future. A brief overview of the literature will be provided.
Gait, balance and pain in knee osteoarthritis and its impacts on falls
Professor Pazit Levinger, National Ageing Research Institute
People with knee osteoarthritis often report pain, difficulty performing activities of daily living and present with a range of physical impairments including joint stiffness, muscle weakness, altered proprioception, reduced balance and gait abnormalities. This presentation will overview the common gait and balance impairments seen in people with lower limb osteoarthritis and how they may relate to increase falls risk.
Foot pain, balance and falls in older people
Professor Hylton Menz, La Trobe University
Foot pain affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65 years and is associated with decreased ability to undertake activities of daily living, problems with balance and gait, and an increased risk of falls. This presentation will provide an overview of (i) the epidemiology of foot pain in older people, (ii) the mechanisms by which foot pain increases the risk of falls, and (iii) interventions targeting foot pain that may reduce the risk of falling.
Interventions to reduce chronic pain—focus on older people
Mr Rodrigo Rizzo, Neuroscience Research Australia
Chronic pain is one of the most common conditions encountered by healthcare professionals among older people. The management of chronic pain in older people must take into account the multiple comorbidities that this population may have (eg. disorders of gait and balance). The risk of falls must be considered for both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions in older patients with chronic pain.
Dr Daina Sturnieks
Dr Sturnieks has a PhD in human biomechanics (UWA). She is Laboratory Manager for the Falls, Balance and Injury Research Centre at NeuRA. Her research focuses on understanding biomechanical, sensorimotor and neurocognitive contributions to balance and falls in older people and clinical groups, and randomised controlled trials of novel interventions to prevent falls involving balance, stepping and cognitive training. Dr Sturnieks is active in translating research findings into community, aged care and hospital settings and is Executive Board Member of the Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Society.
Professor Pazit Levinger
Professor Levinger is a Senior Researcher (Accredited Exercise Physiologist) at the National Ageing Research Institute. She also holds Honorary positions at the Rehabilitation, Ageing and Independent Living (RAIL) Research Centre, Monash University and the Institute for Health and Sport (IHES), Victoria University. She has over 15 years experience, skills and expertise in active ageing, physical activity and falls prevention, quantitative gait analysis and clinical biomechanics with the focus on people with osteoarthritis.
Professor Hylton B Menz
Professor Hylton Menz is a podiatrist who graduated with first class Honours and the University Medal from La Trobe University in 1993, and completed his PhD focusing on gait patterns, balance and falls at the University of NSW in 2002. He is currently a National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia Senior Research Fellow. Professor Menz’s broad research disciplines are human movement, rehabilitation and rheumatology, with a particular focus on musculoskeletal foot problems in older people. His research extends from laboratory-based biomechanical studies through to analysis of epidemiological datasets and the conduct of clinical trials.
Mr Rodrigo Rizzo
Rodrigo Rizzo is a Doctoral Candidate at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) and University of New South Wales (UNSW). He is a physiotherapist who has worked in the management of chronic pain for over 15 years.
Patient-Oriented Health Economics Virtual Mixer
The University of British Columbia’s Social & Economic Change (SE-Change) laboratory is hosting a virtual Patient-Oriented Health Economics Virtual Mixer with three, 10-minute keynote talks from internationally renowned experts in the field Prof Julie Ratcliffe, Prof Stirling Bryan and Prof Joanna Coast.
A panel discussion relevant to researchers, clinicians, health policy decision-makers and knowledge users will follow.
October 22nd 7.30-8.15AM AEDT
Click here to find out more and register for the event.
Unpacking the STRIDE trial – Journal club
Balance Intensity Scale
A research team from the Department of Physiotherapy at Monash University has developed a world-first interval rating of balance exercise intensity, the Balance Intensity Scale (BIS). The BIS is a clinical measurement of balance exercise intensity used to rate exercises performed by adults. The BIS has a component that is rated by clinicians and a component that is rated by the exerciser. It is designed to be used as part of routine clinical care when prescribing balance exercises and can be used for initial assessment, reassessment and on discharge from therapy. The website includes a training video on how to use the scale and an infographic for the exerciser.
For more information go to